Trying to sell a house with bad electrical wiring in Woodland Hills?
You might be surprised to learn that, in one survey, 20% of people listed this as the biggest challenge to owning a home.
In some cases, the electrical wiring doesn’t allow for power to part of the home… in other cases, the wiring is downright dangerous.
So what should you do if your house has bad electrical wiring?
Here are a few ideas…
Get an Electrical Inspection — Electrical wiring problems are not something that you should try to fix on your own. Hire a professional to inspect your home and identify the source of the problem. This usually will cost about $200.
Hire a Licensed Electrician — Once you’ve identified the problem, a licensed electrician can fix the wiring in your home. But this is pretty spendy. Unfortunately, electrical rewiring can cost up to between $8,000 and $15,000. You can also try finding a full time licensed electrician to do the work on the side or after work. This can save a lot of money. Just be sure they are skilled and know what they are doing.
Prepare Your Home For Selling — Before you sell your home, you’ll also want to repair anything else that’s broken, update appliances, and even hire someone to stage the inside. MLS buyers today are pretty picky.
Or Sell To a Professional Home Buyer — If that all sounds like too much money and too much hassle, then you might consider selling to a professional real estate buyer like ourselves. At Golden Dog Properties, we can buy your property as-is for cash and close in as little as two weeks. Give us a call at (805) 257-5780 to get your fair cash offer!